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Design Guidance

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Design Guidance

When designing alterations to a building or a new building, there are several places where you can look for guidance.

Look at Local Planning Authority Design Guidance

Both Local Planning Authorities who cover the parish of Ringwood publish useful design guidance.

New Forest District Council publish the following guidance which apply to Ringwood parish:

Ringwood Local Distinctiveness

Ringwood – A Conservation Area Appraisal

Residential Design Guide for Rural Areas of the New Forest District

Conservatory Design Guide

Housing Design, Density and Character

Shopfront Design Guide

New Forest National Park Authority publish the following guidance which apply to Ringwood parish:

New Forest National Park Design Guide

Western Escarpment Conservation Area Overview

Western Escarpment Conservation Area Character Appraisal

Boundaries to Properties in the Western Escarpment Conservation Area

Undertake a Pre-Application Submission

Once you have a design you are happy with it can be useful to have discussions with the Local Planning Authority, be that New Forest District Council or New Forest National Park Authority, depending where you are in the parish. Details of how to seek pre application advice from them can be found here for New Forest District Council and here for New Forest National Park Authority.

Find an Expert

As a Society we naturally promote the highest standards of design and key to this is finding a suitably experienced person to help you with your design.

There are several professional bodies whose members might be able to assist you with your project. These are:

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Architects Registration Board (ARB)

Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT)

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)