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Previous Award Winners

Many excellent schemes have been rewarded since The Ringwood Society gave out our first awards in 1981. We’ve pulled together a list of these schemes to illustrate those projects which we felt were worthy of recognition.

Please do visit the Award Nominations page for details of how to nominate a project for this year’s awards, and you could see a project you think to be a deserving receipient on this list soon.


Residential Award

Orchard House, 39 Christchurch Road

Orchard House, 39 Christchurch Road

Orchard House OwnersEmily and Joe Sturdy

Previously an exceedingly unloved office building, the restoration of this building by the owners Emily and Joe Sturdy is an excellent example of the benefits a thoughtful and thorough restoration can bring. The Society have watched with enthusiasm during the project taking place as contractors have stripped inappropriate paint finishes from stone detailing, removed poor quality modifications and carefully installed new timber sash windows within reinstated surrounds.

The care and attention to detail that has gone into this scheme is something we congratulate and this is a worthy award winner. We hope it serves as an example to others of what can be achieved.

Commercial Award

Restoration, 17-19 West Street

The Pour House, 17-19 West Street

Pour House RingwoodThe Pour House (Ringwood Club Limited)

When Ringwood Social Club closed its doors in 2011, it seemed unlikely the building would ever reopen, but for the enormous efforts of Tina Saddington and Helen Homewood. After 12 years of hard work the building is open and returned to its former glory. This is testament to their determination and drive to bring this project to fruition.

This is, to date, the longest running project to have won a Society award, and we are delighted that the perseverance of those involved enables us to raise a glass and thank you for securing the future of these historic buildings for generations to come.

Community Award

South Window Restoration, St Peter and St Paul Church

St. Peter and St. Paul Church

Ringwood Church Architect and WardenEmma Mullen of St. Ann’s Gate Architects Limited for Ringwood Benefice

Nearly 200 years of weathering had taken their toll on the South Window of St. Peter and St. Paul Church and the stonework had deteriorated to such a degree that the glass was in serious danger of falling out.

Ringwood Benefice took the opportunity to not only repair the deteriorated stonework, but also to commission the church architect; Emma Mullen of St. Ann’s Gate Architects to design a new stained glass window to be installed. The resulting design of greens and yellows is designed to replicate natural tones of dappled sunlight through trees and the more than 1,500 panes of glass which make up the design have been expertly crafted by Salisbury Cathedral Stained Glass.

The craftsmanship of this project in not only repairing the building, but also creating the new window and the quatrefoil window above is something the Society particularly welcomes. Traditional techniques and skills are constantly under threat, and to see a project so seriously embrace this level of workmanship is something we could not pass the opportunity to reward.


Residential Award

Chimney Restoration, Clarks Alms Houses, Quomp

Clarks Alms Houses, Quomp

James LoaderJames Loader of Sheerin Bettle Architecture for Ringwood United Charities

It was noticed that the chimneys had become a reddish colour and on closer inspection it became apparent that they were unstable and in immediate danger of falling down. Ringwood United Charities, who oversee the Grade II listed building made the decision to undertake a complex conservation project.

As part of the project bespoke moulds were created and the materials were carefully sourced so that they were as close as possible to those used in the original chimneys. Whilst the chimneys are currently paler than the older ones, it is anticipated that the colour will change over time.

Commercial Award

New Shopfront and Signage, 34a Christchurch Road

Ground Coffee House Signage

Ground Coffee House Owner
Ground Coffee House

Ground Coffee House benefits from a sympathetic frontage, understated signage and classic design. The wooden painted shopfront and the projecting, hanging sign are great examples of the design encouraged in Ringwood’s Conservation Area.


Certificate of Merit Award

The Clock at Friday’s Cross, 2 High Street

Chris Wood and Grayson Clocks (a department of HS Walsh and Sons Limited)

The Ringwood Society is here to protect and promote the conservation of the area and we’re always on the look out for improvements and enhancements. This was an example of the sort of thing we want to see. I know Chris has had a lot of problems along the way so we are really grateful to him for persevering with it. It has been deteriorating for some time and we have been pushing to get the enhancements done. There have been odd issues but the perseverance has paid off.


Certificate of Merit Award

Exterior Decorative Scheme, The Railway Hotel, 35 Hightown Road

The Railway Hotel

Malcolm and Hannah Newman Evans

The Society was particularly impressed with the refurbishment of the Hotel and in particular the new signage which the Society felt suited the building and is in harmony with the surroundings in the Victorian area of the town.

Certificate of Merit Award

Restoration and New Houses, 55/57 Christchurch Road

55-57 Christchurch Road
Etchingham Morris Architecture Limited for Indigo 5 Limited

The Society was particularly impressed with the design and attention to detail which are in keeping with the materials and scale of the buildings in the Conservation Area.


Certificate of Merit Award

Alterations and New Shopfront, 29-31 High Street

Williams Lester Chartered Architects for W Patterson Butchers and Ringwood Fisheries.


Certificate of Merit Award

Alterations and New Shopfront, 29-31 High Street

Williams Lester Chartered Architects for W Patterson Butchers and Ringwood Fisheries.


Certificate of Merit Award

Castleman Trailway

Hampshire County Council.


Certificate of Merit Award

New Houses and Shops, 2-10 Star Lane

Basil White RIBA for Peter Hayward of Surereed Limited

Congratulations is due for the successful construction of the new shop with accommodation above and the pair of semi-detached cottages which face on to Star Lane. These now make an attractive link between the Furlong Shopping Centre and the Market Place. This development at the rear of the former Cox and Hicks shop at 6-8 Market Place, marks the final episode in a saga that has dragged on for the past nine years since the old shop closed.


Certificate of Merit Award

Restoration, Old Bank House, 18-20 Market Place

Old Bank House

J G Harrison Planning Services for Peter Cheal of Novominster Properties Limited

Ten years have now gone by since Prudential vacated the building, since when it has always been top of The Ringwood Society’s list of concern. In May 1990 we highlighted its blight in the ‘Buildings in Need’ column of Traditional Homes magazine. In the article The Ringwood Society expressed our hope “to see this property restored to its former glory as one of the most important secular buildings in the town”.

The following year it was bought at auction by Peter Cheal, who has spent the last six years restoring the building. The economic climate has not been in his favour and we congratulate Peter for persevering with his ‘labour of love’. Now that the doors and iron railings have been reinstated, the newly renamed Old Bank House presents a most attractive frontage to the Market Place. The interior has been converted into four spacious apartments. The Society has fully supported Mr Cheal’s scheme, as we are in favour of more people living in the town centre.

In recognition of the money, worry, time and effort that has been lavished on Old Bank House, The Society is awarding the project the Certificate of Merit.


New Signage, 31 Market Place

The new hanging sign and the fascia lettering of The Market Place Fish & Chip Restaurant set an excellent example to the rest of the town and demonstrate what can be done to make the most of a Conservation Area building.


Restoration, 16 Market Place

16 Market Place

Sheerin, Bettle and Associates Architects and Surveyors for Lambert and Wiltshire Gunsmiths Limited.


Restoration and Conversion, 23 and 23a Market Place

Williams Lester Chartered Architects for Peter Hayward of Terard Limited.


New Signage, 17 Market Place

Charcoal Grill.



Restoration, 2 High Street

2 High Street

Colin RW Burt FRICS for The China Studio

Congratulations to The China Studio for the work on their premises, formerly Webb & Hext, at Friday’s Cross. We wish them well and hope that the much-loved clock is telling us all the time again as soon as possible.


Footbridge, Jubilee Gardens, West Street

Jubilee Gardens

Ringwood Town Council.


Picnic Area, The Furlong

Picnic Area - The Furlong

The Rotary Club of Ringwood.

Photo of Picnic Area, The Furlong, courtesy of Dick Sheerin.


New Shopfront and Signage, 16 High Street

16 High Street

Abbey National Retail Premises Department and G. Bainbridge & Son Limited for Abbey National plc.

Abbey National have finally come up with a shopfront design more in keeping with our Conservation Area, even though they would not have done so if they could have ‘got away’ with their original proposals. Fortunately the planners and councillors agreed with our letter of objection to their original plan and made them go away and think again!


New Residential Buildings, 73-75 Hightown Road

Studio Four Architects for Hampshire Voluntary Housing Society.


Certificate of Merit Award

Town Centre Enhancement Scheme

Peter Mitchell, Chris Williams, Christianne Strubbe and Paul James for Hampshire County Council in association with New Forest District Council and Ringwood Town Council

For many years The Ringwood Society has campaigned:

For the improvement of the appearance of the Market Place triangle, particularly the removal of the mobile snack bar.

For better street furniture and the removal of the odd assortment of rusty poles and plastic bins, unnecessary and inappropriate signs and general street clutter.

For better pavements and better lighting, particularly at Fridays Cross and in the Market Place.

For more seating of a traditional style.

For the planting of more native trees in the Market Place, especially since the loss of the Chestnuts and more recently the Oak tree next to 24 Market Place.

The Ringwood Society has therefore supported the Hampshire County Council’s Country Towns Initiative Scheme from the outset, as we recognised that the County and District Councils have the expertise and power to enable these improvements to take place.

During the Parish Festival in July, we conducted a survey of public opinion about the scheme, and 85% of those questioned, thought that overall the Enhancement had improved the appearance of the town.

We therefore felt it was appropriate to acknowledge the achievement of the County and District Councils by presenting them with The Ringwood Society’s Certificate of Merit.



New Signage, 31 Market Place

Buccaneer Fish & Chip Restaurant

Deserve a commendation for the good standard of design of their signs and shopfronts.


New Signage, 17 Christchurch Road

Eye See Eye Opticians

Deserve a commendation for the good standard of design of their signs and shopfronts.


New Signage, Unit 7, The Furlong Shopping Centre

Railston Limited for Peacocks Stores Limited

Deserve a commendation for the good standard of design of the Millets shop signs.



Renovation, Auction Rooms, 54 Southampton Road

Phillips, the Auctioneers

This modest little 1930s building has been most attractively maintained to a high standard, befitting a prestigious antiques saleroom. The clock, dating back I believe to the days when this building was Ringwood’s Model Laundry, is now functioning again and the facade has been tastefully painted and signed.


Restoration and Extensions, Elm Cottages, Quomp

Simpson Hilder Associates for Breeze Developments Limited

These cottages first came to the Society’s attention in 1988 when, at the pinnacle of the property boom, the row of four derelict cottages sold for £250,000! A whole series of developers lost a lot of money as property prices tumbled while planning permission was being sought.

The Society is pleased to report the final outcome is that the four original cottages have now been modernised and three flats added, which have tidied up this important corner site of the Conservation Area.


Certificate of Merit Award

Restoration and New Apartments, Cottage Mews, 25-27 Christchurch Road

Walter Williams Architects for Anglia Secure Homes plc.

The Society is delighted with the properties which have been constructed and wishes to express congratulations to the company for the sensitive and imaginative way they have dealt particularly with the frontage properties onto Christchurch Road. We consider that this new construction blends well with the existing old part of Christchurch Road and is harmonious to the character properties in the locality. The scheme has been able to ensure that such a mass of new construction has been well designed and the adjoining original Listed frontage property has been tastefully refurbished, and even the chimneys have been retained to conserve its character.

Certificate of Merit Award

New Shopping Centre and Restoration of Historic Buildings, Furlong Shopping Centre, The Furlong

Furlong Shopping Centre Ringwood 1991

Renton Howard Wood Levin Partnership for Ortem Developments Limited

The end result has not only been the retention of Frampton’s mill, but also parades of shops which are interesting, varied in design and assist with harmonising the development within the Ringwood Conservation Area.

Certificate of Merit Award

Extension and Alterations, 34b Christchurch Road

34b Christchurch Road

Sprinks Else & Associates for Guildford Estates Limited


Conversion, Daniels Court Motel, College Lane

Daniels Court Motel - College Lane
Dexter and Stanniland Chartered Architects for Mr and Mrs P Potts

This is one of the few schemes which has, by conversion, integrated old buildings into the character of the Market Place by strong attention to detail. It has been noted that the main walls have been constructed with carefully chosen modern bricks and roof have blended in well with adjoining properties, mainly by the re-use of original tiles.

Renovation, Auction Rooms, 54 Southampton Road

Auction Rooms - 54 Southampton Road

Ormiston Knight & Payne

Without question this has been carried out to a high standard and tastefully redecorated.

Renovation and Extension, Lilac Cottage, 250 Southampton Road

N Dunkerton for K Grissett

It was noted with pleasure the manner in which the extension and re-furbishment has been carried out and the owner/occupiers are to be warmly commended.

Photo of 54 Southampton Road in 1981 by Ted Baker, courtesy of New Forest Knowledge and is licensed under a Creative Commons licence ‘Attribution Non-commercial’ (CC BY-NC).


Certificate of Merit Award

Conversion, 2 Meeting House Lane

2 Meeting House Lane - Paper Mountain

Reid and Seal Chartered Architects for Frampton & Sons Limited

The Society was pleased with the work which had been carried out in the renovation of this property and considered that the company had gone to an extra effort and probably spent a little more money in order to create a building which would be in keeping with the Conservation Area.